55 Results for "Kephale"
Displaying 1 - 30
1.Decree of Eleusis honouring the patrol-commander (peripolarch), Smikythion
I Eleusis 80 Date: ca. 325-300 BC... Smikythion son of O- of Kephale and crown
him with a gold crown; and the
demarch in office after
(15) Isarchos shall annou...
Decree to protest to Aitolian League, 367/6 BC
Agora XVI 48 Date: 367/6 BC...
Kephale was secretary.
The Council and the People decided. Oineis (VI)
(5) was in prytany. Demophilos son of Theoros of Kephale
Catalogue of ephebes, 191/2 AD (?)
IG II2 2119 Date: AD 189/90 – 191/2... Prosdektos son of Modestos of Kephale
(65) ... (son of ... ) of Kephale
-les (son of -les) of Kerameis
(uncertain numbe...
List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Meyer, Metics, no. 11 Date: ca. 334/3 BC?... Hipparchides son of Kallippos of Kephale;
(25) libation bowl (phialen), weight: 100 drachmas.
Soteris living in Melite,
Payments from the treasury of Athena, 418/7–415/4 BC
OR 170 Date: 418/7-415/4 BC... Teisias son of Teisimachos of Kephale,
(30) Kleomedes son of Lykomedes of Phlya, on the - of the prytany, the People having voted the immuni...
Honours for the poet Philippides
IG II3 1 877 Date: 283/2 BC... Nikeratos son of Phileas of Kephale proposed:
since Philippides has continued at every opportunity
to demonstrate his good will for...
Honours for grain purchasers (sitonai)
IG II3 1 908 Date: 271/0 BC
In the archonship of Pytharatos ((271/0)), in the ninth
prytany, of Leontis (VI) , for which Isegoros son of Isokrates
of Kephale...
Herm marking mid-point between Athens and Kephale
IG I3 1023 Date: ca. 525-514 BC...
(1)At the mid-point of Kephale and the city, splendid Hermes.
This (is) a monument of Hipparchos. (Moral maxim).
Funerary lekythos for Pyrrhos of Potamos and his wife
AIUK 7 (Chatsworth) no. 1 Date: ca. 375-325 BC...
of Kephale.
Decree honouring Sthorys of Thasos, 394/3 BC
AIO 1240 Date: 394/3 BC... Aristokrates son of Aischines of Kephale was secretary.
Euboulides of Eleusis was archon ((394/3)). In the prytany
(15) of Aigeis.
(At least 3 lines uninsc...
Honours for Pythophanes
AIO 305 Date: 411 (?) and 399/8 BC...
... of Kephale, Kal- of -.
Hippomenes proposed: for Pythophanes of
-stos, since he is a proxenos and
(10) benefactor of the Athenians an...
Archippos of Thasos granted citizenship
IG II3 1 333 Date: 334/3 and 333/2 BC...
-os of Kephale (V) , E- of - (VI or VII) , -
of Eleusis (VIII) , Niki- of - (IX or X) .
-es son of Aristarchos of Ph- proposed:
Honours for the girls who worked on the robe for Athena (103/2 BC)
AIO 968 Date: 103/2 BC... Demostrate daughter of Pamphilos of Kephale
Kallistarete daughter of Thrason of Cholargos
Kleo daughter of Sokrates of Kerameis
Thearis daughter of Hetairion of Kiky...
Honours for the priestess of Aglauros
IG II3 1 1002 Date: 250/49 BC...
son of Archestratos of Kephale (VII) was secretary.
On the eleventh of Metageitnion, the eleventh of the
(5) prytany. Principal Assembly. Of the presiding...
List of crew of Athenian triremes
IG I3 1032 Date: Ca. 410-400 BC ?... Piraeus
- of Kephale
(Lines missing)
(Lines 14-20 very fragmentary)
Trierarchs (trierarcho) (trireme 1)
-s of Kephisia
G-es of Cholargos (or...
On the dedications to the Hero Doctor
IG II3 1 1154 Date: 220/19 BC...
of Kephale
dedicated (anetheken).
(5) Gods
In the archonship of Thrasyphon ((220/19)), in the sixth
prytany, of Pandionis ...
Honours for the ephebes of 209/8 and their officers
IG II3 1 1169 Date: 208/7 BC... Phrynon son of Pheidostratos of Kephale
Eucharistos son of Hephaistodoros of Cholargos
Aristokles son of Stratios of Sphettos
Sostratos son of Nikostratos of Chola(rgos)
List of names, Council, 336/5 BC (?)
Agora XV 42 Date: 336/5 BC (?)...
IG II3 1 1142
229/8-224/3 BC
... -s son of Polynikos of Kephale was putting to the vote,
(5) and his fellow presiding committee members, Apollophanes of -,
- of Hagnous (II) , Moschos of -...
Honours for religious officials
IG II3 1 369 Date: 325/4 BC... - - - - of Kephale (V)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - of Perithoidai (VI)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (VII)
(10) Timokrates son of ...
Honours for an Athenian ambassador to Kassandros
IG II3 1 844 Date: 299/8 BC...
of Kephale (VII) was secretary.
(5) On the twenty-first (dekatei husterai) of Metageitnion,
the twenty-first of the prytany.
Decree of the Tarantine cavalry squadron honouring cavalry commanders
SEG 46.167 Date: 282/1 BC... Charias son of Charias of Kephale (VII) ,
(25) Antimachos son of Kleagoras of Acharnai (VIII) ,
Proxenos son of Prokles of Phlya (IX) ,
Thrasykles so...
Catalogue of ephebes
AIUK 11 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) no. 10 Date: 195/6 AD... Akamas son of Prosdektes of Kephale
Aurelius Attikos of Poros
Paramonos son of Moschos
(140) Dionysodoros son of Moschos
Additional enrollees...
Dedication by ephebes of Akamantis
IG II3 4 341 Date: ca. 330 BC... – son of – of Kephale
- son of - of Cholargos
- son of - of Sphettos
- son of - of Thorikos
- son of - of Kerameis
Dedication by officials
IG II3 4 50 Date: Ca. 400-350 BC... – son of –ates of Kephale (V)
– son of – of Phyle (VI)
Honours for the prytany of Leontis
IG II3 1 1168 Date: 211/0 BC... Lysikles son of Apollodoros of Kephale was putting to the vote,
(40) and his fellow presiding committee members.
The Council decided.
Ekphantos son of Eu...
IG II3 1 845
299/8 BC
... (5) son of Xenophon of Kephale (VII)
was secretary. On the twenty-second (enatei met#39; eikadas)
of Thargelion ...
the twenty-third of the prytany.
Honours for the prytany of Oineis
IG II3 1 910 Date: 271/0 BC... Isegoros son of Isokrates of Kephale (VII)
was secretary; on the first new and old day (henei kai neai proterai) of
Skirophorion, the thirty-first of the prytany.
Accounts of 1% tax on property transactions (Rationes Centesimarum)
Rationes, Stele 4 Date: c. 330-325 BC... sold an outlying estate at Kephale
Buyer: Nikomachos son of Polylaios of Kedoi : 62 dr. 3 ob.
hundredth: 3¾ ob.
(15) Of the Oikatai the manager Stra...
Honours for Xenokrates of Chios
IG II3 1 1004 Date: 250/49 BC... Chairephon son of Archestratos of Kephale (VII) was
secretary. On the sixteenth of Pyanopsion, the sixteenth of
the prytany. Principal Assembly. Of the presiding com...