Athens Ephoria M 1919: IG II3 4 446 Choregic dedication of Kimon for the City Dionysia
Athens Ephoria ΡΑ 2045: IG II3 1 402 Honours for Kephisophon of Paiania
Athens Ephoria ΠΛ 2050: SEG 63.137 List of names arranged by deme
Athens Ephoria ΡΑ 2054: IG II3 1 1006 Honours for the prytany of Aiantis
Athens Ephoria NK 2077: IG II3 4 462 Choregic dedication of Andron for the City Dionysia
Athens Ephoria NK 2097: IG II3 4 537 Dedication by the competition-director, Praxiteles (?)
Athens Ephoria M 2136: IG II3 1 1023 Honours for the grain protectors (sitophylakes)
Athens Ephoria NK 2283: IG II3 4 651 Dedication by a thiasos
Athens Ephoria ΠΛ 2328: IG II3 4 1141 Dedication to Eileithyia by a woman of Thespiai
Athens Ephoria ΠΛ 2367: IG II3 4 382 Dedication by an ephebe, 53/2 BC
Athens Ephoria M 2453: IG II3 4 398 Dedication by a manager of the Lykeion
Athens Ephoria ΠΛ 2661: IG II3 4 381 Dedication by an ephebe
Athens Ephoria M 3118: IG II3 4 327 Dedication by a phylarch to Hermes (Academy)
Athens Ephoria NK 3174: Matthaiou, Ta en tei stelei, 57–70 Reaffirmed alliance with Egesta, 418/7 BC
Athens Ephoria M 3258: AIO 1410 Funerary dedications from the Persian Wars
Athens Ephoria ΝΚ 3361: IG II3 4 33 Dedication by [arbitrators], 330/29 BC
Athens Ephoria M 4135: IG II3 4 399 Dedication by an ephebic pareutaktos, victor in a torch race
Athens Ephoria Λ 7537: IG II3 4 477 Choregic dedication of the son of Nikostratos for the Thargelia
Athens Ephoria Λ 7538: SEG 61.70 Choregic dedication of a sponsor for the Thargelia
Athens Ephoria Λ 12601: IG II3 4 478 Choregic dedication of a sponsor for the Thargelia, 372/1 BC
Athens Ephoria: SIA VI 44 Alexandria Troas honours Hadrian
Athens Ephoria: IG II2 3700 Throne for Marcus Ulpius Eubiotos