Stele: IG II3 1 292 - On the boundaries of the sacred tract
Stele: IG II3 1 293 - Proxeny for Demokrates of Lampsakos
Stele: IG II3 1 294 - Proxeny for Theogenes of Naukratis
Stele: IG II3 1 295 - Honours for Orontes
Stele: IG II3 1 296 - On the Echinaioi
Stele: IG II3 1 297 - On an Eleusinian matter
Stele: IG II3 1 299 - Treaty with Mytilene
Stele: IG II3 1 301 - Honours for -doros son of Kalli-
Stele: IG II3 1 302 - Honours for Dioskourides of Abdera and his brothers
Stele: IG II3 1 303 - Honours for the Elaiousians (?)
Stele: IG II3 1 304 - Honours for the Pellanians
Stele: IG II3 1 305 - Honours for officials
Stele: IG II3 1 307 - Honours for Kephallenians or Lampsakenes
Stele: IG II3 1 308 - Treaty with Messene
Stele: IG II3 1 309 - Honours for the Elaiousians
Stele: IG II3 1 310 - Honours for Theoklos of Corinth
Stele: IG II3 1 312 - Proxeny for Phokinos, Nikandros and Dexi-
Stele: IG II3 1 313 - Honours for the People of Tenedos and Aratos of Tenedos
Stele: IG II3 1 315 - Decree about a proposal of Theophantos
Stele: IG II3 1 316 - Honours for Akarnanians
Stele: IG II3 1 317 - Proxeny for Drakontides and Hegesias of Andros
Stele: IG II3 1 318 - Treaty with Philip II
Stele: IG II3 1 319 - Honours for Alkimachos
Stele: IG II3 1 320 - Law against tyranny
Stele: IG II3 1 322 - Honours for a courtier of Philip II
Stele: IG II3 1 323 - Honours for an official (prytany secretary?)
Stele: IG II3 1 324 - Honours for Euenor of Akarnania
Stele: IG II3 1 325 - Honours for Kalliteles of Kydantidai
Stele: IG II3 1 329 - Honours for a son of Eupor-
Stele: IG II3 1 331 - Honours for Nikostratos
Stele: IG II3 1 333 - Archippos of Thasos granted citizenship
Stele: IG II3 1 335 - Honours for Amyntor son of Demetrios
Stele: IG II3 1 336 - Decree honouring the general, Diotimos (?)
Stele: IG II3 1 337 - The Kitians granted permission to found a sanctuary of Aphrodite
Stele: IG II3 1 338 - Honours for Pytheas of Alopeke, manager of the water supply
Stele: IG II3 1 339 - Honours for Mnemon and Kallias of Herakleia
Stele: IG II3 1 340 - Proxeny for a Chian
Stele: IG II3 1 342 - Proxeny (for Theophantos?)
Stele: IG II3 1 343 - Honours for Theophantos
Stele: IG II3 1 344 - Honours for a son of Onoma-
Stele: IG II3 1 346 - Honours for a son of Aristeides
Stele: IG II3 1 347 - Honours for Amphis of Andros
Stele: IG II3 1 348 - Honours for Phanodemos of Thymaitadai
Stele: IG II3 1 349 - Honours for Amphiaraos
Stele: IG II3 1 351 - Honours for Rheboulas, son of the king of the Odrysai, Seuthes
Stele: IG II3 1 352 - Honours for Eudemos of Plataia
Stele: IG II3 1 354 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 355 - Honours for the managers of the Amphiaraia
Stele: IG II3 1 356 - Honours for a son of -oiros of Larisa
Stele?: IG II3 1 358 - Honours for Eurylochos of Kydonia
Stele: IG II3 1 359 - Honours for Androkles of Kerameis, priest of Asklepios
Stele: IG II3 1 361 - Decree honouring Thymondas (?)
Stele: IG II3 1 363 - Isoteleia for Phanostratos and his brother
Stele: IG II3 1 365 - Decree honouring a priest
Stele: IG II3 1 367 - Five decrees honouring Herakleides of Salamis
Stele: IG II3 1 371 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 375 - Honours for Lapyris of Kleonai
Stele: IG II3 1 376 - Decree about the Phokians
Stele: IG II3 1 377 - Honours for Euphron of Sikyon
Stele: IG II3 1 378 - Honours for Euphron of Sikyon
Stele: IG II3 1 379 - Proxeny for Apollonides son of Demetrios of Sidon
Stele: IG II3 1 380 - Honours for a son of Demetrios
Stele: IG II3 1 381 - Treaty with Aitolians
Stele: IG II3 1 387 - Decree relating to Sestos
Stele: IG II3 1 388 - On the affairs of Akanthos and Dion
Stele: IG II3 1 390 - Kleomis of Methymna awarded proxeny
Stele: IG II3 1 393 - Honours for [Achaians]
Stele: IG II3 1 394 - Honorific decree
Stele: AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 10 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 396 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 397 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 398 - Proxeny for Euboeans
Stele: IG II3 1 399 - On Euboean affairs
Stele: IG II3 1 400 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 401 - Honours for the People of Tenedos and certain citizens of Tenedos
Stele: IG II3 1 403 - Proxeny for Apelles of Byzantium
Stele: IG II3 1 404 - Honours for exiles
Stele: IG II3 1 405 - Proxeny for a Phaselite
Stele: IG II3 1 411 - Honours for Arybbas king of the Molossians
Stele: IG II3 1 412 - Treaty with Eretria
Stele: IG II3 1 414 - Honours for an allied city
Stele: IG II3 1 416 - Honours for priests and religious officials
Stele: IG II3 1 418 - Honours for Asklepiodoros
Stele: IG II3 1 419 - Honours for -kles son of Sotairos of Amphipolis
Stele: IG II3 1 420 - Proxeny for an Eretrian
Stele: IG II3 1 421 - Honorific decree
Stele?: IG II3 1 423 - Honours for an actor
Stele?: IG II3 1 424 - Honorific decree?
Stele?: IG II3 1 425 - Decree honouring a priest?
Stele: IG II3 1 426 - Proxeny for -machos
Stele: IG II3 1 428 - Honours for Philomelos
Stele: IG II3 1 429 - Law on repair of walls in the Piraeus, with appended specifications
Stele: IG II3 1 430 - Honours for Ph- of Salamis
Stele: IG II3 1 432 - Proxeny for Sopatros of Akragas
Stele: IG II3 1 433 - Agreement with Sokles
Stele: IG II3 1 434 - Proxeny for Lyko- of Pydna
Stele: IG II3 1 436 - Honours for an actor
Stele: IG II3 1 437 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 439 - Honours for Dionysios
Stele: IG II3 1 440 - Honours for Potamon and others
Stele: IG II3 1 441 - Honours for Pandios of Herakleia
Stele: IG II3 1 443 - Treaty with Alexander the Great
Stele: IG II3 1 444 - Decree on the repair of a statue of Athena Nike
Stele: IG II3 1 445 - Laws about cult objects
Stele: IG II3 1 447 - Law and decree about the Little Panathenaia
Stele: IG II3 1 448 - About a festival
Stele: IG II3 1 449 - About a festival
Stele: IG II3 1 450 - Honours for Artikleides
Stele: IG II3 1 452 - Honours for Peisitheides of Delos
Stele: IG II3 1 453 - Decree bestowing citizenship
Stele: IG II3 1 454 - Honours for -das of Cos
Stele: IG II3 1 455 - Decree honouring Iatrokles
Stele: IG II3 1 456 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 458 - Honours for officials
Stele: IG II3 1 461 - Honours for foreigners
Stele: IG II3 1 462 - Honours for men from the kingdom of the Cimmerian Bosporos
Stele?: IG II3 1 464 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 466 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 468 - Honours for Apses and Hieron of Tyre
Stele: IG II3 1 469 - Honours for Kallikratides of Steiria, the recorder
Stele: IG II3 1 470 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 473 - Honours for Nikostratos
Stele: IG II3 1 474 - Proxeny for Ph- son of Admetos of Priene
Stele: IG II3 1 475 - Proxeny for a son of Thyion
Stele?: IG II3 1 476 - Honours for the presiding committee?
Stele: IG II3 1 479 - Proxeny for a Hestiaian
Stele: IG II3 1 480 - Honours for a Plataian
Stele: IG II3 1 482 - On the Tenians
Stele: IG II3 1 483 - Proxeny for Sostratos of Herakleia
Stele: IG II3 1 484 - Honours for friends of the king and of Antipater
Stele: IG II3 1 485 - Honours for the People of Kythnos
Stele: IG II3 1 487 - Lease of sacred land?
Stele: IG II3 1 489 - On the Chalkidians
Stele: IG II3 1 490 - Decree bestowing citizenship
Stele: IG II3 1 491 - End of a citizenship decree
Stele?: IG II3 1 494 - Fragment of a treaty?
Stele: IG II3 1 495 - Proxeny for a man from Akragas (?)
Stele: IG II3 1 496 - Proxeny for Praxias
Stele: IG II3 1 497 - Honours for a man from Kroton
Stele?: IG II3 1 498 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 499 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 500 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 501 - Honours for a man from the Chersonese
Stele?: IG II3 1 502 - Honours for exiles
Stele?: IG II3 1 503 - Honours for exiles
Stele: IG II3 1 504 - Honours for Akarnanians from Astakos
Stele?: IG II3 1 507 - Honorific decree
Stele?: IG II3 1 512 - Honorific decree
Stele?: IG II3 1 513 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 515 - Proxeny (?)
Stele: IG II3 1 517 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 518 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 519 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 520 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 521 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 522 - Honours for -aris
Stele: IG II3 1 523 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 524 - Honorific decree (?)
Stele: IG II3 1 528 - Honours for Eupatas
Stele: IG II3 1 535 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 539 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 550 - Law (?) about dedications by liturgists followed by list of dedicants
Stele: IG II3 1 551 - About a festival (Dipolieia)
Stele: IG II3 1 553 - Honorific decree
Stele?: IG II3 1 560 - Honorific decree
Stele?: IG II3 1 569 - Honorific decree
Stele (No. 1): AIO 286 - Tribal honours for taxiarch of Kekropis, 339/8 BC
Stele: IG II2 1156 - Honours for ephebes
Stele: OR 120 - Athenian judicial relations with Phaselis
Stele: Rationes, Stele 1 - Accounts of 1% tax on property transactions (Rationes Centesimarum)
Stele: Rationes, Stele 2 - Accounts of 1% tax on property transactions (Rationes Centesimarum)
Stele: Rationes, Stele 3 - Accounts of 1% tax on property transactions (Rationes Centesimarum)
Stele: Rationes, Stele 4 - Accounts of 1% tax on property transactions (Rationes Centesimarum)
Stele: IG I3 9 - Dealings with the Delphian Amphiktyony
Stele: Matthaiou, Ta en tei stelei, 57–70 - Reaffirmed alliance with Egesta, 418/7 BC
Stele: AIO 296 - Athenian regulations for Erythrai
Stele: IG I3 46 - Foundation of colony at Brea
Stele: OR 144 - Decrees relating to the treasury of the Other Gods ("Kallias' decrees")
Stele: IG I3 54 - Reaffirmed alliance with Leontinoi
Stele: OR 150 - Decrees for Methone
Stele?: IG I3 83 - Alliance with Argos, Elis and Mantinea
Stele: IG I3 92 - Honours for Kallippos the Thessalian
Stele?: AIO 305 - Honours for Pythophanes
Stele: OR 183A - Decree to republish Draco’s law on homicide
Stele: IG I3 110 - Decree for Oiniades of (Palai)skiathos
Stele?: IG I3 118 - Ratification of Alcibiades’ treaty with Selymbria
Stele?: IG I3 119 - Ratification of a treaty with the Klazomenians at Daphnous
Stele: AIO 310 - Decree concerning Carthage
Stele: IG I3 127 - Honours for the Samians
Stele: SEG 50.45 - Honours for Polypeithes of Siphnos
Stele: AIO 313 - Honours for Herakleides of Klazomenai
Stele: AIO 314 - Decree about priestess and temple of Athena Nike
Stele: IG I3 36 - Decree about payment to priestess of Athena Nike
Stele: I Oropos 292 - Contract for construction of flood drain at Amphiaraion
Stele: IG II3 1 844 - Honours for an Athenian ambassador to Kassandros
Stele: IG II3 1 1135 - Honours for Timosthenes [of Karystos]
Stele: IG II3 1 846 - Honours for the brothers Aristolas and Sostratos
Stele: IG II3 1 847 - Proxeny for Mikalion of Alexandria
Stele: IG II3 1 849 - Honours for Athenians
Stele: IG II3 1 853 - Honours for the benefactor Herodoros
Stele: IG II3 1 856 - Citizenship for a poet
Stele: IG II3 1 857 - Honours for Philippides of Paiania
Stele: IG II3 1 863 - Honours for Zenon, commander of the Ptolemaic fleet
Stele: IG II3 1 864 - Proxeny for Habron and Matrias
Stele: IG II3 1 866 - Citizenship(?) for a friend of King Lysimachos
Stele: IG II3 1 867 - Citizenship for Artemidoros of Perinthos
Stele: IG II3 1 868 - Citizenship for Philokles, king of the Sidonians
Stele: IG II3 1 871 - Citizenship for King Audoleon
Stele: IG II3 1 872 - Honours for a courtier of King Audoleon
Stele: IG II3 1 875 - Citizenship for Aischron son of Proxenos
Stele: IG II3 1 877 - Honours for the poet Philippides
Stele: IG II3 1 878 - Honours for Epainetos
Stele: IG II3 1 879 - Concerning the sanctuary of Aphrodite Pandemos
Stele: IG II3 1 880 - Honours for the prytany of Aiantis
Stele: IG II3 1 881 - Honours for the archon Euthios
Stele: IG II3 1 882 - Honours for commanders of tribal regiments (taxiarchoi)
Stele: IG II3 1 883 - Honours for the Tenian People
Stele: IG II3 1 884 - Honours for the cavalry commander Komeas
Stele: IG II3 1 885 - Honours for the cavalry commander Komeas
Stele: IG II3 1 886 - Honours for a prytany?
Stele: IG II3 1 887 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 888 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 889 - Concerning a procession
Stele: IG II3 1 892 - Honours for the People of Tenedos
Stele: IG II3 1 893 - Honours for commanders of tribal regiments (taxiarchoi)
Stele?: IG II3 1 894 - Honours for the prytany of Antigonis
Stele: IG II3 1 896 - Honours for the prytany of Hippothontis
Stele: IG II3 1 897 - Honours for commanders of tribal regiments (taxiarchoi)
Stele: IG II3 1 899 - Honours for grain purchasers (sitonai)
Stele: AIO 375 - Decree of the Marathonian Tetrapolis
Stele: IG II3 1 900 - Honours for the prytany of Antiochis
Stele: IG II3 1 901 - Honours for the priest of Amphiaraos
Stele: IG II3 1 902 - Honours for the managers of Zeus Soter
Stele: IG II3 1 903 - Honours for the priest of Zeus Soter
Stele: IG II3 1 904 - Honours for City Guardians
Stele: IG II3 1 905 - Honours for the managers of Zeus Soter
Stele: IG II3 1 907 - Honours for commanders of tribal regiments (taxiarchoi)
Stele: IG II3 1 908 - Honours for grain purchasers (sitonai)
Stele: IG II3 1 910 - Honours for the prytany of Oineis
Stele: IG II3 1 911 - Honours for Kallias of Sphettos
Stele: IG II3 1 912 - Alliance between Athens and Sparta
Stele: IG II3 1 914 - Concerning public doctors
Stele: IG II3 1 915 - Honours for the managers of the Mysteries
Stele: IG II3 1 917 - Honours for ephebes and their officials
Stele: IG II3 1 918 - Citizenship for Strombichos
Stele: IG II3 1 919 - Citizenship for Strombichos
Stele: IG II3 1 920 - Honours for the archon Nikias and others
Stele?: IG II3 1 921 - Honours for the prytany of Aigeis
Stele: IG II3 1 922 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis
Stele: Agora XV 69 - Tribal honours for the prytany of Aigeis
Stele: IG II3 1 924 - Citizenship for Bithys of Lysimacheia
Stele: IG II3 1 926 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 927 - Honours for generals
Stele: IG II3 1 928 - Honours for a benefactor
Stele: IG II3 1 929 - Honours for a Theban [pipe-player?]
Stele: IG II3 1 930 - Honours for a prytany of Leontis
Stele: IG II3 1 939 - Citizenship for Alexander from Beroia in Macedon
Stele: IG II3 1 940 - Honours for a Sidonian and others
Stele: IG II3 1 945 - Honours for Aristomenes of Paiania
Stele: IG II3 1 946 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis
Stele: IG II3 1 947 - Honours for the prytany of Demetrias
Stele: IG II3 1 948 - Honours for Elaians
Stele: IG II3 1 950 - Honours for the archon and assistants
Stele: IG II3 1 952 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis
Stele: IG II3 1 953 - Honours for the priest of Zeus Soter
Stele: IG II3 1 1093 - Honours for a prytany (?)
Stele: IG II3 1 980 - Posthumous honours for Zeno of Kition
Stele: IG II3 1 981 - Honours for ephebes
Stele: IG II3 1 983 - Honours for a prytany of Aigeis
Stele: AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 13 - Honorific decree, 259/8 BC
Stele: IG II3 1 986 - Honours for ephebes and their officials
Stele: IG II3 1 987 - Concerning the Rhodian People
Stele: IG II3 1 989 - Equality of taxation for a man of Pergamon
Stele: IG II3 1 990 - Honours for a foreigner
Stele: IG II3 1 991 - Honours for a competition director
Stele: AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 14 - Beginning of a decree, 255/4 BC
Stele: IG II3 1 995 - Honours for a competition director
Stele: IG II3 1 996 - Honours for a friend of the Macedonians
Stele: IG II3 1 997 - On the arbitration of the Lamians between Athenians and Boeotians
Stele: IG II3 1 998 - Honours for Lamian judges
Stele: IG II3 1 999 - Honours for an ambassador
Stele: IG II3 1 1000 - Concerning a report of the director of works
Stele: IG II3 1 1001 - Honours for the archon
Stele: IG II3 1 1002 - Honours for the priestess of Aglauros
Stele: IG II3 1 1003 - Honours for ephebes
Stele: IG II3 1 1004 - Honours for Xenokrates of Chios
Stele: IG II3 1 1005 - On the Soteria festival at Delphi
Stele: IG II3 1 1006 - Honours for the prytany of Aiantis
Stele?: IG II3 1 1007 - Honours for Charixenos of Aitolia
Stele: IG II3 1 1136 - Honours connected with king A[ntigonos?] and the Aitolians
Stele: IG II3 1 1140 - Proxeny for Aristokreon son of Nausikrates
Stele: IG II3 1 1141 - Proxeny for Apollas son of Tharrhynon [of Kolophon?]
Stele: IG II3 1 1144 - Honours for the prytany of Oineis
Stele: IG II3 1 1145 - Honours for receivers of sacred delegates (theorodokoi) and decree of Gonnoi
Stele: IG II3 1 1146 - Honours for Kastor, friend of king Ptolemy
Stele: IG II3 1 1147 - Honours for Prytanis of Karystos
Stele?: IG II3 1 1148 - Honours for Prytanis [of Karystos]
Stele: IG II3 1 1149 - Honours for the prytany of Aiantis
Stele: IG II3 1 1150 - Honours for the Ephesians
Stele: IG II3 1 1151 - On the dedication of a censer and dish
Stele: IG II3 1 1152 - Honours for the prytany of Aiantis
Stele: IG II3 1 1153 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis
Stele: IG II3 1 1155 - Honours for the prytany of Pandionis
Stele: IG II3 1 1158 - Honours for the ephebes of 219/8 and their officers
Stele: IG II3 1 1161 - Honours for the ephebes of 216/5
Stele: IG II3 1 1162 - Honours for the prytany of Aiantis
Stele: IG II3 1 1165 - Honours for the prytany of Antigonis
Stele: IG II3 1 1166 - Honours for the ephebes of 214/3 and their officers
Stele?: IG II3 1 1167 - Honours for the ephebes of 213/2 and their officers
Stele: IG II3 1 1168 - Honours for the prytany of Leontis
Stele: IG II3 1 1169 - Honours for the ephebes of 209/8 and their officers
Stele: IG II3 1 1171 - Honours for Lamian judges
Stele: IG II3 1 1176 - Honours for the ephebes of 204/3 and their officers
Stele: IG II3 1 1177 - Honours for the prytany of Oineis
Stele: IG II3 1 1178 - The People of Antioch (Alabanda) honoured with citizenship
Stele: IG II3 1 1179 - Honours for two [Rhodians?]
Stele: IG II3 1 1180 - Honours for the prytany of Oineis
Stele: IG II3 1 1139 - Honours for the prytany of Kekropis
Stele: IG II3 1 1181 - Honours for an Aitolian
Stele: IG II3 1 1182 - Honours for the managers of the Mysteries
Stele: IG II3 1 1183 - On festival competitions and official missions (theoriai)
Stele: IG II3 1 1184 - On the renewal of the competitions at the Lykaia
Stele: IG II3 1 1185 - Honours for Thraseas of Phlya
Stele: IG II3 1 1186 - Honours for -ios son of Androkydes of Berenikidai
Stele: IG II3 1 1187 - Honours for Nikon
Stele: IG II3 1 1188 - Honours for the managers of the Mysteries
Stele: IG II3 1 1189 - Honours for a priestess of Demeter
Stele: IG II3 1 1193 - Decree honouring ephebes
Stele?: IG II3 1 1194 - Honours for the ephebes and their officers?
Stele: IG II3 1 1195 - Decree honouring ephebes?
Stele?: IG II3 1 1196 - Decree honouring ephebes?
Stele: IG II3 1 1197 - Honours for the prytany of Kekropis
Stele: IG II3 1 1198 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1199 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1200 - Honours for the prytany of Oineis
Stele?: IG II3 1 1201 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis
Stele: IG II3 1 1202 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis
Stele: IG II3 1 1203 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis
Stele: IG II3 1 1204 - Honours for a prytany?
Stele: IG II3 1 1205 - Honours for a prytany
Stele?: IG II3 1 1206 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1207 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1208 - Honours for a prytany
Stele?: IG II3 1 1209 - Honours for service connected with Eleusis
Stele: IG II3 1 1164 - Honours for the managers of the Mysteries
Stele: IG II3 1 1211 - Honours for the prytany of [Aigeis]
Stele?: IG II3 1 1212 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis
Stele: IG II3 1 1213 - Honours for an official (doctor? ephebic?)
Stele: IG II3 1 1214 - Honours for Therson
Stele: IG II3 1 1215 - Honours for Ephesians
Stele: IG II3 1 1216 - Decree about Kyme
Stele?: IG II3 1 1217 - Proxeny decree?
Stele: IG II3 1 1218 - Citizenship decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1219 - Citizenship decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1220 - On the refashioning of dedications
Stele: IG II3 1 1221 - Honours for ephebes
Stele: AIO 593 - Sacrificial calendar of Erchia
Stele: IG II3 1 1222 - Honours for a prytany?
Stele: IG II3 1 1223 - Honours for the prytany of [Aigeis]
Stele: IG II3 1 1224 - Honours for the prytany of [Attalis]
Stele: IG II3 1 1225 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis
Stele?: IG II3 1 1226 - Honours for the prytany of Demetrias
Stele: IG II3 1 1230 - Honours for a man from Taras
Stele: IG II3 1 1231 - Honours for the prytany of Antigonis
Stele: IG II3 1 1232 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis
Stele: IG II3 1 1233 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1234 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1235 - Honours for the prytany of Kekropis
Stele?: IG II3 1 1236 - Honours for a prytany
Stele?: IG II3 1 1237 - Honours for ephebes
Stele: IG II3 1 1238 - Honours for Eris of Byzantium and other Byzantines
Stele: IG II3 1 1240 - Honours for a (doctor?) from Cos
Stele: IG II3 1 1241 - Honours for Dionysios
Stele: IG II3 1 1243 - Citizenship for an Eretrian
Stele: IG II3 1 1244 - Citizenship decree
Stele?: IG II3 1 1245 - Citizenship decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1246 - Honours for the prytany of Kekropis
Stele: IG II3 1 1247 - Honours for a prytany
Stele?: IG II3 1 1248 - Honours for a prytany?
Stele?: IG II3 1 1249 - Honours for the prytany of Aigeis
Stele?: IG II3 1 1254 - Decree honouring a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1137 - Decrees honouring Eumaridas of Kydonia and his son Charmion
Stele: IG II3 1 1160 - Honours for Eurykleides of Kephisia
Stele: IG II3 1 1190 - Honours for Kydonia
Stele: IG II3 1 1019 - Honours for Aristomachos of Argos
Stele: IG II3 1 1008 - Honours for the ephebes and officials
Stele: IG II3 1 1009 - Honours for the managers of the Mysteries
Stele: IG II3 1 935 - Honours for a councillor
Stele: IG II3 1 951 - Honours for managers
Stele: IG II3 1 954 - Honours for the prytany of Hippothontis
Stele: IG II3 1 955 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis
Stele: IG II3 1 956 - Honours for the prytany of Aigeis
Stele: IG II3 1 957 - Honours for ephebes
Stele: IG II3 1 958 - Decree at Delphi on an alliance with the Aitolians
Stele: IG II3 1 959 - A prytany of Demetrias
Stele: IG II3 1 960 - A prytany of Demetrias
Stele: IG II3 1 961 - Citizenship for Python
Stele: IG II3 1 962 - Citizenship
Stele: IG II3 1 963 - Citizenship
Stele: IG II3 1 964 - Citizenship
Stele: IG II3 1 967 - Concerning Thebes
Stele: IG II3 1 971 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 973 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 974 - Citizenship
Stele: IG II3 1 975 - Citizenship for a Sikyonian
Stele: IG II3 1 976 - Honours for foreigners
Stele: IG II3 1 978 - Prytany honours
Stele: IG II3 1 982 - Honours for a friend of Antigonos Gonatas
Stele: IG II3 1 1014 - Honours for an official
Stele: IG II3 1 1016 - Honours for ephebes and officials
Stele: IG II3 1 1017 - Honours for grain purchasers (sitonai)
Stele: IG II3 1 1018 - Honours for market inspectors (agoranomoi)
Stele: IG II3 1 1020 - Honours for the priest of Asklepios
Stele: IG II3 1 1021 - Honours for Thibron
Stele: IG II3 1 1022 - Honours for the Games-masters (athlothetai)
Stele: IG II3 1 1023 - Honours for the grain protectors (sitophylakes)
Stele: IG II3 1 1024 - Honours for prytany of Antiochis
Stele: IG II3 1 1025 - Honours for the father of a participant in a procession
Stele: IG II3 1 1026 - Honours for the priestess of Athena Polias
Stele: IG II3 1 1027 - Honours for ephebes and officials
Stele: IG II3 1 1028 - Honours for the priest of Kalliste
Stele: IG II3 1 1029 - Honours for the prytany of Pandionis
Stele: IG II3 1 1030 - Honours for the prytany of Leontis
Stele: IG II3 1 1031 - Honours for the ephebes and officials
Stele: IG II3 1 1032 - Concerning Lemnos
Stele: IG II3 1 1033 - Citizenship for benefactors of Athenian cleruchy on Lemnos
Stele: IG II3 1 1034 - Honours for Herakleitos of Athmonon
Stele: IG II3 1 1035 - Honours for a citizen
Stele: IG II3 1 1036 - Honours for a prytany
Stele?: IG II3 1 1037 - Honours for a foreigner
Stele: IG II3 1 1038 - Citizenship
Stele: IG II3 1 1040 - Honours for a benefactor
Stele: IG II3 1 1041 - Proxeny
Stele: IG II3 1 1043 - Honours for a courtier of the Macedonians(?)
Stele: IG II3 1 1044 - Honours for a banker
Stele: IG II3 1 1047 - Honours for ephebes
Stele: IG II3 1 1048 - Honours for ephebes
Stele?: IG II3 1 1049 - Honours for a foreigner
Stele: IG II3 1 1051 - Honours for an Athenian
Stele?: IG II3 1 1052 - Honours for officials
Stele?: IG II3 1 1054 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1056 - Honours for the priestess of Athena Polias
Stele: IG II3 1 1058 - Honours for prytany of Kekropis
Stele: IG II3 1 1055 - Honours for officials
Stele: IG II3 1 1059 - Concerning a report of sacred delegates (?)
Stele: IG II3 1 1060 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1061 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1062 - Honours for ephebes and officials
Stele: IG II3 1 1063 - Honours for ephebes and officials
Stele: IG II3 1 1064 - Honours for Aischron son of Proxenos and another
Stele: IG II3 1 1065 - Honours for the Prienians
Stele: IG II3 1 1066 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1070 - Honours for prytany of Aiantis
Stele: IG II3 1 1071 - Honours for prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1073 - Proxeny for Apollonios of Klazomenai
Stele: IG II3 1 1074 - Citizenship
Stele: IG II3 1 1076 - Honours for the People of Erythrai
Stele: IG II3 1 1077 - Proxeny for military figures
Stele: IG II3 1 1078 - Citizenship
Stele: IG II3 1 1080 - Prytany honours
Stele: IG II3 1 1081 - Honours for the prytany of Demetrias
Stele: IG II3 1 1082 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis
Stele: IG II3 1 1083 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis
Stele: IG II3 1 1084 - Prytany honours
Stele?: IG II3 1 1085 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis
Stele?: IG II3 1 1086 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1087 - Honours for prytany of Hippothontis
Stele: IG II3 1 1088 - Honours for a prytany(?)
Stele: IG II3 1 1091 - Honours for a prytany (?)
Stele: IG II3 1 1092 - Honours for the prytany of Kekropis (?)
Stele: IG II3 1 1105 - Honorific decree
Stele?: IG II3 1 1106 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis
Stele: IG II3 1 1107 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1108 - Honours for a benefactor
Stele: IG II3 1 1110 - Honours for a benefactor
Stele: IG II3 1 1111 - Decree honouring ephebes?
Stele: IG II3 1 1112 - Decree honouring prytany or ephebes?
Stele?: IG II3 1 1113 - Honorific decree
Stele?: IG II3 1 1118 - Honours for a Spartan (?)
Stele: IG II3 1 1123 - Honours for the prytany of Antiochis(?)
Stele: IG II3 1 1132 - Honorific decree
Stele?: IG II3 1 1134 - Honorific decree?
Stele: IG II3 1 1128 - Honours for ephebes (?)
Stele: AIO 796 - Honours for the Samians, 405/4 and 403/2 BC
Stele: Agora XVI 34 - Alliance with Boeotians, 395 BC
Stele: IG II2 18 - Honours for Dionysios of Syracuse, 394/3 BC
Stele: AIO 800 - Decree for Klazomenai, 387/6 BC
Stele: AIO 801 - Honours for Phanokritos of Parion, 386/5 BC
Stele: AIO 802 - Alliance with Chios, 384/3 BC
Stele: AIO 803 - Decree admitting Methymna to the Second Athenian League, 378/7 BC (?)
Stele: RO 22 - Decree inviting states to join the Second Athenian League, 378/7 BC
Stele: AIO 806 - Decree for Dionysios I of Syracuse, 369/8 BC
Stele: AIO 807 - Decree for alliance with Dionysios I of Syracuse, 368/7 BC (?)
Stele: IG II2 107 - Decrees for Mytilene, 369-367 BC
Stele: IG II2 110 - Honours for Menelaos the Pelagonian, 363/2 BC
Stele: RO 39 - Decree making arrangements for Ioulis on Keos, 363/2 BC
Stele: AIO 811 - Alliance with Peloponnesian cities following battle of Mantinea, 362/1 BC
Stele: RO 44 - Alliance with Thessalian federation, 361/0 BC
Stele: IG II2 123 - Decree for Andros, 357/6 BC
Stele: AIO 814 - Alliance with Karystos, 357/6 BC
Stele: Matthaiou, Ἔξι Ἀττικὲς ἐπιγραφὲς 97-116 - Alliance with Thracian kings
Stele: AIO 816 - Alliance with Thracian, Paionian and Illyrian kings
Stele: AIUK 11 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) no. 1 - Honours for Straton king of Sidon
Stele?: AIO 818 - Decree for Erythrai, 387/6 BC (?)
Stele: AIO 819 - Law on approvers (dokimastai) of silver coinage, 375/4 BC
Stele: RO 26 - Law on grain tax from Lemnos, Imbros and Skyros, 374/3 BC
Stele: Agora XVI 48 - Decree to protest to Aitolian League, 367/6 BC
Stele: AIO 823 - Rhamnous honours the general Epichares of Ikarion
Stele: IG II2 1225 - Decree of the Salaminians honouring Herakleitos of Athmonon
Stele: I Eleusis 182 - Athenian soldiers at Eleusis honour the secretary of the grain treasurers
Stele: I Eleusis 183 - [Athenian soldiers stationed at Eleusis?] honour a cavalry commander
Stele: I Eleusis 184 - Athenian soldiers at Eleusis honour the treasurer of the military fund
Stele: I Eleusis 193 - The Eleusinians and Athenian soldiers at Eleusis honour King Antigonos
Stele: AIO 837 - Rhamnous honours Dikaiarchos of Thria
Stele: I Rhamnous 10 - Athenian soldiers serving at Rhamnous honour their general
Stele: IG II2 1163 - Decree of tribe Hippothontis for the priest of Asklepios
Stele: SEG 46.167 - Decree of the Tarantine cavalry squadron honouring cavalry commanders
Stele: SEG 21.525 - Decree of the cavalry honouring their commanders
Stele: AIO 842 - Soldiers stationed in Rhamnous honour their unit commanders
Stele: I Rhamnous 4 - Rhamnous (?) honours a general and soldiers
Stele?: AIO 844 - Rhamnous honours its demarch (?)
Stele: I Rhamnous 7 - Rhamnous awards divine honours to king Antigonos
Stele: IG I3 84 - Decree on the administration of the property of Kodros, Neleus and Basile
Stele: AIO 847 - Sacrificial calendar of Thorikos
Stele: IG II3 1 1260 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis
Stele: IG II3 1 1268 - Honours for the prytany of Aiantis
Stele: IG II3 1 1270 - Honours for two men from Pergamon
Stele: IG II3 1 1274 - Honours for the prytany of Kekropis
Stele: IG II3 1 1285 - Honours for the ephebes of 186/5 and their officers
Stele: IG II3 1 1289 - Honours for the prytany of Leontis
Stele: IG II3 1 1290 - Honours for the ephebes of 185/4 and their officers
Stele: IG II3 1 1301 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis
Stele: IG II3 1 1307 - Honours for the prytany of Aiantis
Stele: IG II3 1 1310 - Honours for the prytany of Hippothontis
Stele: IG II3 1 1313 - Honours for the ephebes of 177/6 and their officers
Stele: IG II3 1 1320 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1321 - Honours for the prytany of Hippothontis
Stele: IG II3 1 1328 - Honours for the prytany of Attalis
Stele: IG II3 1 1332 - Honours for the ephebes of 172/1 and their officers
Stele: IG II3 1 1333 - Honours for the prytany of Antiochis
Stele: IG II3 1 1334 - Honours for the soldier Kalliphanes, messenger of the Roman victory at Pydna
Stele: AIO 871 - Decree honouring Lykourgos of Boutadai
Stele: RO 88 - Dedication from Acharnai with military oaths
Stele: IG II3 1 1256 - Honours for the ephebes of 197/6 and their officers
Stele: Oliver, Honours for a Public Slave, 119-121 - Decree honouring a public slave
Stele: IG II3 1 1264 - Honours for ephebes
Stele: IG II3 1 1322 - Honours for ephebes
Stele?: IG II3 1 1342 - Honours for ephebes
Stele: IG II3 1 1361 - Honours for ephebes
Stele: IG II3 1 1362 - Honours for the ephebes and their officers
Stele: IG II3 1 1363 - Catalogue of ephebes
Stele?: IG II3 1 1364 - Catalogue of ephebes
Stele?: IG II3 1 1365 - Catalogue of ephebes
Stele?: IG II3 1 1376 - Ephebic decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1292 - Honours for Kephisodoros
Stele: IG II3 1 1257 - Honours for a friend of king Eumenes II
Stele: IG II3 1 1258 - Honours for king Pharnakes and queen Nysa
Stele: IG II3 1 1259 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1288 - Honours for a sacred remembrancer (hieromnemon)
Stele: IG II3 1 1329 - Honours for the managers of the Mysteries
Stele: IG II3 1 1330 - Honours for the priest of Asklepios
Stele: IG II3 1 1339 - Honours for the priest of Kalliste
Stele: IG II3 1 1372 - Honours for sacred delegates (theoroi) from Miletos
Stele: IG II3 1 1373 - Honours for the priestess of Aglauros
Stele: IG II3 1 1386 - Honours for a priest (of Asklepios?)
Stele?: IG II3 1 1455 - Honours for a priest(ess?)
Stele: IG II3 1 1458 - List of ephebes
Stele: SEG 18.22 - Honours for the priest of Asklepios
Stele: Priests and Priestesses, 20 - Honours for the priest of Zeus Soter
Stele: SEG 18.24 - Honours for the priest of Asklepios
Stele: I Délos 1499 - Honours for the priests on Delos
Stele: Priests and Priestesses, 23 - Honours for the priest of Asklepios
Stele: SEG 18.26 - Honours for the priest of Asklepios
Stele: Priests and Priestesses, 25 - Honours for a priestess?
Stele: SEG 18.27 - Honours for the priest of Asklepios
Stele: SEG 18.29 - Honours for the priest of Asklepios
Stele: I Eleusis 300 - Honours for the dadouch Themistokles
Stele: I Eleusis 513 - Letter from Emperor Commodus
Stele?: IG II2 1234 - Decree regulating cult
Stele: RO 37 - Decree of the genos Salaminioi concerning the resolution of a dispute
Stele: AIO 948 - Decree of the genos Salaminioi concerning the resolution of a dispute
Stele: SEG 47.187 - List of members of thiasoi
Stele: SEG 58.145 - Decree relating to the Aglaurion and the genos Euenoridai
Stele: IG I3 259 - Athenian Tribute List, 454/3 BC
Stele: OR 119B - Athenian Tribute List, 442/1 BC
Stele: IG I3 278 - Athenian Tribute List, 434/3 BC
Stele: OR 155 - Decree enforcing use of Athenian coins, weights and measures
Stele: IG I3 93 - Decrees relating to the Sicilian expedition
Stele: AIO 968 - Honours for the girls who worked on the robe for Athena (103/2 BC)
Stele: IG II2 1942 - Honours for the girls who worked on the robe for Athena (ca. 100 BC)
Stele: SEG 59.59 - Religious accounts from Halai Aixonides
Stele?: IG II2 1174 - Decree of Halai Aixonides prescribing an audit procedure, 368/7 BC
Stele?: IG II2 1175 - Decree of Halai Aixonides relating to irregularities
Stele: SEG 59.142 - Decree of Halai Aixonides honouring the deme treasurers, 338/7 BC
Stele?: SEG 49.142 - Fragment of a decree of Halai Aixonides
Stele?: AIO 980 - Inscription fragment from Halai Aixonides
Stele: Peek, Attische Inschriften, 10 no. 8 - Decree of Halai Aixonides
Stele: Peek, Attische Inschriften, 8 no. 6a - Honorific decree of Halai Aixonides
Stele: Peek, Attische Inschriften, 9 no. 6b - Honorific decree of Halai Aixonides
Stele: Peek, Attische Inschriften, 9 no. 6c - Fragment of a decree of Halai Aixonides
Stele: SEMA 59 - Grave monument of Diotheides and his family
Stele: CGRN 57 - Provisions for priests and priestesses (in Aixone?)
Stele?: Kourouniotes, Iερόν του Απόλλωνος, 39 no. 3 - Honours for a priest of Apollo Zoster
Stele: IG II2 1362 - Edict of priest of Apollo Erithaseos
Stele: IG II3 1 1265 - Citizenship for Alexandros of Thessaly
Stele: IG II3 1 1283 - Citizenship decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1341 - Citizenship decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1385 - Citizenship decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1359 - Citizenship decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1384 - Citizenship decree for Hikesios of Ephesos
Stele: IG II3 1 1340 - Citizenship decree for Timonides
Stele: IG II3 1 1392 - Citizenship decree for Straton son of Timon
Stele: IG II3 1 1393 - Citizenship decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1358 - Citizenship decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1303 - Citizenship decree for Klearchos
Stele: IG II3 1 1394 - Citizenship decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1390 - Citizenship decree for sacred delegates (theoroi) from Miletos
Stele: IG II3 1 1356 - Proxeny decree for Eukleidas of Rhodes
Stele: IG II3 1 1374 - Proxeny decree for Nikeratos of Alexandria
Stele: IG II3 1 1276 - Proxeny decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1375 - Proxeny decree for Timarchos of Salamis
Stele: IG I3 1147 - Memorial of war-dead (tribe Erechtheis), 460-459 BC
Stele: OR 108 - Decree about genos Praxiergidai
Stele: IG I3 1162 - Memorial of war-dead, ca. 447 BC ?
Stele: IG I3 1330 - Gravestone of Myrrhine, first priestess of Athena Nike
Stele: IG I3 1353 - Funerary monument of Pythion of Megara
Stele: IG I3 40 - Athenian relations with Chalkis
Stele: IG I3 458 - Accounts of Pheidias' statue of Athena
Stele: IG I3 459 - Accounts of Pheidias' statue of Athena (abandoned version)
Stele: IG I3 449 - Building accounts of Parthenon, 434/3 BC
Stele: IG I3 460 - Accounts of Pheidias' statue of Athena (final summary account)
Stele: IG I3 329 - Inventory of the Hekatompedon, 418/7 BC
Stele: IG I3 474 - Erechtheion building accounts, 409/8 BC
Stele?: IG I3 105 - Laws about the Council of 500
Stele: OR 148 - Accounts of payments for expeditions to Corcyra
Stele: AIO 1049 - Support for orphans of men killed under the oligarchy, ca. 410 BC?
Stele: IG II3 1 1337 - Honours for the prytany of Ptolemais
Stele: IG II2 6217 - Epitaph of Dexileos, cavalryman killed in Corinthian war (394 BC)
Stele: IG II2 5222 - Memorial of Athenian cavalry killed in the Corinthian War (394 BC)
Stele: IG II3 1 1343 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1344 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1338 - Honours for a man from Melite
Stele: IG II3 1 1345 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis
Stele: IG II3 1 1346 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis
Stele: IG II3 1 1348 - Honours
Stele: IG II3 1 1350 - Honours
Stele: IG II3 1 1353 - Honours
Stele: IG II3 1 1354 - Honours
Stele: IG II3 1 1355 - Honours for the prytany of Aigeis
Stele: IG II3 1 1357 - Honours for a man from Kyzikos
Stele: IG II3 1 1360 - Honours
Stele: IG II3 1 1261 - Honours for a benefactor (from Pergamon?)
Stele: IG II3 1 1266 - Honours for a courtier
Stele: IG II3 1 1269 - Honours for Menandros of Pergamon
Stele: IG II3 1 1272 - Honours for Pausim[achos], courtier of king Eumenes II
Stele: IG II3 1 1273 - Honours for a man or men from Keos
Stele: IG II3 1 1275 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1293 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1295 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis
Stele: IG II3 1 1296 - Honours for the prytany of Attalis
Stele: IG II3 1 1299 - Honours for the prytany of Leontis
Stele: IG II3 1 1304 - Honours for the prytany of Antiochis
Stele: IG II3 1 1305 - Honours for the prytany of Ptolemais
Stele: IG II3 1 1311 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1316 - Honours for the prytany of Kekropis
Stele: IG II3 1 1324 - Honours for the prytany of Leontis
Stele: IG II3 1 1366 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1367 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1371 - Honours
Stele: IG II3 1 1377 - Honours for the prytany of Ptolemais
Stele: IG II3 1 1378 - Honours for the prytany of Oineis
Stele: IG II3 1 1379 - Honours for the prytany of Oineis
Stele: IG II3 1 1382 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1383 - Honours for the prytany of Hippothontis
Stele: IG II3 1 1387 - Honours for Xen-
Stele: IG II3 1 1388 - Honours for officials of Athena
Stele: IG II3 1 1389 - Honours for the son of Zenothemis of Miletos
Stele: IG II3 1 1391 - Honours for the People of Seleukeia of Pieria
Stele: IG II3 1 1395 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1396 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis
Stele: IG II3 1 1397 - Honours for the prytany of Kekropis
Stele: IG II3 1 1398 - Honours for the prytany of Attalis
Stele: IG II3 1 1399 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1400 - Honours for the prytany of Leontis
Stele: IG II3 1 1401 - Honours for the prytany of Antiochis
Stele: IG II3 1 1402 - Honours for the prytany of Oineis
Stele: IG II3 1 1403 - Honours for a prytany (?)
Stele: IG II3 1 1404 - Name list from decree honouring the prytany of Kekropis
Stele: IG II3 1 1406 - Decree honouring a prytany (?)
Stele: IG II3 1 1407 - Decree honouring a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1408 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1417 - Honours (?)
Stele: IG II3 1 1416 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1415 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1414 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1413 - Honours
Stele: OR 182 - Honours for Thrasyboulos [of Kalydon] and associates, 410/9 BC
Stele: AIO 1137 - Decree about permanent dining rights (sitesis) in the city hall (prytaneion)
Stele: IG II3 1 1277 - Honours for (a courtier of?) king Ptolemy V
Stele: IG II3 1 1278 - Honours for Alex-, a courtier of king Ptolemy V
Stele: IG II3 1 1279 - Honours
Stele: IG II3 1 1280 - Honours (for an Athenian)
Stele: IG II3 1 1281 - Honours for a cavalry commander
Stele: IG II3 1 1282 - Honours for a courtier of king Seleukos IV
Stele: IG II3 1 1287 - Honours for Zoilos, courtier of king Ptolemy V
Stele: IG II3 1 1291 - Honours for Aristokreon of Antioch
Stele: IG II3 1 1298 - Honours for an archon
Stele: IG II3 1 1300 - Honours for the commissioners for refurbishment of the Tholos
Stele: IG II3 1 1302 - Honours for the officials in charge of revenues
Stele: IG II3 1 1309 - Honours for Antiochos (later Antiochos IV?)
Stele: IG II3 1 1315 - Honours for a merchant
Stele: IG II3 1 1317 - Honours for Philetairos, brother of king Eumenes II
Stele: IG II3 1 1318 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: IG II3 1 1319 - Decree concerning grain supply
Stele: IG II3 1 1323 - Honours for king Eumenes II and his brothers
Stele: IG II3 1 1331 - Honours for Arrhi[daios], courtier of king Antiochos IV
Stele: IG II3 1 1336 - Honours for Diodoros, friend of king Eumenes II
Stele: I Eleusis 28a - On the first-fruits at Eleusis
Stele: AIO 1172 - Athenian tribute list, 418/7 BC (?)
Stele: OR 170 - Payments from the treasury of Athena, 418/7–415/4 BC
Stele: IG I3 373 - Payments from the treasury of Athena, 411/0 BC
Stele: AIO 1176 - Decrees honouring Neapolis in Thrace, 410/9 and ca. 407 BC
Stele: AIO 1177 - Honours for Archelaos, king of Macedon, 407/6 BC (?)
Stele: IG I3 1503 - Funerary monument of an Athenian on Aegina
Stele: I Rhamnous 182 - Accounts of Nemesis of Rhamnous
Stele: IG I3 258 - Decree of the deme Plotheia
Stele: IG II2 6 + Add. p. 655 - Restoration to Thasians of proxeny destroyed by Thirty
Stele: SEG 52.104 - Law concerning repairs to buildings in the sanctuary of Artemis at Brauron
Stele: AIO 1185 - Sacrificial Calendar of Athens (earlier phase)
Stele: AIO 1186 - Law fragment
Stele: IG I3 237 - Law about assessment for taxes or contributions
Stele: IG I3 236a - Law about the trierarchy
Stele: AIO 1189 - Sacrificial Calendar of Athens (later phase)
Stele: AIO 1191 - Honours for foreigners who had supported democracy against the Thirty, 401/0 BC
Stele: IG II2 5221 - Memorial of Athenian infantry killed in Corinthian War (394 BC)
Stele: SEG 46.154 - Decree of Aixone awarding honours for management of a festival
Stele: IG II3 1 1424 - List of names from a decree (?)
Stele: IG II3 1 1425 - List of names from a decree (?)
Stele: IG II3 1 1426 - Fragment of honorific decree (?)
Stele (?): IG II3 1 1431 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1433 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1434 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1435 - Honorific decree (?)
Stele (?): IG II3 1 1437 - Decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1445 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1447 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1449 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1451 - Fragment
Stele: IG II3 1 1454 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1459 - Honorific decree
Stele: IG II3 1 1461 - Honorific decree
Stele: Agora XVI 270/1 - Decree [of cavalry?] honouring cavalry commanders
Stele: IG II2 1264 - Decree of cavalry honouring treasurers of Athena
Stele: AIO 1240 - Decree honouring Sthorys of Thasos, 394/3 BC
Stele: IG II2 1256 - Decree of the orgeones of Bendis (329/8 BC)
Stele: IG II2 1284 - Two decrees of the orgeones of Bendis (ca. 251-240 BC)
Stele: IG II2 1317b - Decree of a thiasos of Bendis on Salamis (249/8 BC)
Stele: SEG 59.152 - Decree of a thiasos of Bendis on Salamis (251/0 BC)
Stele: SEG 59.151 - Decree of a thiasos of Bendis on Salamis (272/1 BC)
Stele: IG I3 136 - Decree about the cult of Bendis
Stele: IG II2 1255 - Decree of the orgeones [of Bendis?] (337/6 BC)
Stele: IG II2 1283 - Decree of the orgeones of Bendis (240/39 BC)
Stele: IG II2 1324 - Decree of the orgeones of Bendis (ca. 190 BC)
Stele: SEG 44.60 - Decree of a thiasos of Bendis on Salamis (harbour) (244/3 BC)
Stele: SEG 59.155 - Decree of a thiasos of Bendis on Salamis (harbour) (247/6 BC)
Stele: Sokolowski, LSCG 45 - Decree of the orgeones [of Bendis] (ca. 330-324/3 BC)
Stele (?): AIO 1257 - Decree relating to a place in Euboea?
Stele: RO 40 - Decrees regulating the export of ochre from Keos
Stele: CEG 2, no. 569 - Funerary Monument of Phanostrate, Midwife and Doctor
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 1 - List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Stele: Agora XIX P5 - Sale of confiscated property and mine leases, 367/6 BC
Stele: AIO 1303 - Fragment of a sacrificial calendar
Stele: AIO 1304 - Decree concerning the festival (of Hephaistos?)
Stele: SEG 21.542 - Sacrificial calendar from Teithras
Stele: CGRN 61 - Fragment of a sacrificial regulation
Stele: IG II2 1177 - Decree of deme Piraeus concerning the Thesmophorion
Stele: AIO 1318 - Assembly decree concerning sacrifices in cult of Asklepios in Piraeus
Stele: IG II2 1184 - Sacrificial regulation for the Thesmophoria at Cholargos
Stele: CGRN 25 - Deme decree relating to cult at Paiania
Stele: Agora XVI 161 - Decree of the orgeones of Echelos and the heroines
Stele: CGRN 103 - Decree concerning Eleusinian cults at Phrearrhioi
Stele: I Eleusis 175 - Sacrificial calendar from Eleusis
Stele: IG I3 508 - Dedication by religious officials
Stele: IG II3 4 23 - Dedication by the prytany of Kekropis
Stele: IG II3 4 39 - Dedication by the gate-keepers (pyloroi)
Stele: IG II3 4 45 - Dedication by a prytany
Stele: IG II3 4 57 - Dedication to Demeter and Kore, 357/6 BC
Stele: IG II3 4 58 - Dedication
Stele: IG II3 4 64 - Dedication
Stele: IG II3 4 102 - Dedication by a board of officials, 209/8 BC
Stele: IG II3 4 104 - Dedication by supervisors of the market (emporion), 200/199 or 184/3 BC
Stele: AIUK 2 (BSA) no. 1 - Honours for Asandros of Macedon, 314/3 BC
Stele: AIUK 2 (BSA) no. 2 - Honours for officials, 303/2 BC
Stele: AIUK 2 (BSA) no. 9 - Funerary monument. Myttope with Myrrhine
Stele: AIUK 2 (BSA) no. 10 - Funerary monument. Python of Oinoe and Philte
Stele: AIUK 2 (BSA) no. 11 - Funerary monument for Aglokr- of Torone
Stele: AIUK 2 (BSA) no. 13 - Funerary monument of Isias “of Miletos”
Stele: AIUK 2 (BSA) no. 14 - Funerary monument for a family from Marathon
Stele: AIUK 2 (BSA) no. 15 - Funerary monument for -atos son of Philetos of Phlya
Stele: IG II3 4 111 - Dedication by basileus
Stele: IG II3 4 114 - Dedication by unknown board
Stele: IG II3 4 61 - Dedication by a councillor (?)
Stele: IG II3 4 73 - Dedication by a prytany, 226/5 BC ?
Stele: IG II3 4 79 - Dedication by the prytany of Aiantis, 339/8 BC
Stele: IG II3 4 245 - Dedication by trierarchs, 357/6 BC ?
Stele: IG II3 4 246 - Dedication by taxiarchs, 356/5 BC
Stele: I Eleusis 95 - Honours for Xenokles of Sphettos
Stele: I Eleusis 93 - Decree of the Eumolpidai honouring Neoptolemos of Melite
Stele: I Eleusis 87 - Decree of the Kerykes honouring Xenokles of Sphettos
Stele: AIUK 3 (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge) no. 1 - Treaty between Athens and Halieis
Stele: AIUK 3 (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge) no. 2 - Relief from top of a decree
Stele: AIUK 3 (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge) no. 5 - Funerary stele for Euthykritos of Eitea
Stele: AIUK 3 (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge) no. 6 - Funerary stele for [Th]eokles or [N]eokles
Stele: IG II3 4 20 - Dedication by the secretaries of the arbitrators (?)
Stele: IG II3 4 24 - Dedication by arbitrators (?)
Stele: IG II3 4 329 - Dedication by ephebes, 334/3 BC
Stele: IG II3 4 330 - Dedication by ephebes, 334/3 or 333/2 BC
Stele: IG II2 379 - Decree honouring a military figure
Stele: Agora XVI 203 - [Tribal?] decree honouring a phylarch
Stele: SEG 48.122 - Honorific decree of the front-runners (prodromoi)
Stele: IG II3 4 267 - Dedication to Hero General (?)
Stele: IG II3 4 271 - Dedication to Hero General
Stele: IG II3 4 276 - Dedication for generals by soldiers, 111/0 BC
Stele (Naiskos): IG II3 4 277 - Military dedication at Eleusis?
Stele: IG II2 1254 - Honorific decree of the Paraloi
Stele (?): IG I3 15b and c - Fragment of a financial inscription
Stele: SEG 64.30b - Fragment of decree relating to Erythrai
Stele: AIO 1741 - Fragment of decree relating to garrison-commander
Stele: IG I3 8 - Harbour fees and the cult of Poseidon at Sounion
Stele: AIO 1796 - Honorific decree for a general at Sounion
Stele: AIO 1798 - Three decrees honouring ephebes and their superintendent, 79/8 BC
Stele: IG II3 4 634 - Dedication by a friendly society (eranistai)
Stele: IG II3 4 649 - Dedication to Pankrates by officials of a friendly society (eranistai)
Stele: IG II3 4 652 - Dedication by a thiasos to Asklepios and Hygieia
Stele? Plaque?: IG II3 4 654 - Dedication by a friendly society (eranistai)
Stele: IG II3 4 658 - Dedication (genos Erysichthonidai)
Stele: IG II3 4 661 - Dedication by the leader of a friendly society (eranistai)
Stele: AIO 1835 - Treaty with Halikyai
Stele: AIO 1836 - Decrees honouring ephebes and their superintendent, 43/2 or 42/1 BC
Stele: AIO 1837 - Decrees honouring ephebes and their superintendent, ca. 20 BC
Stele: AIO 1838 - Four decrees honouring ephebes and their superintendent, 37/6 or 36/5 BC
Stele: AIUK 5 (Lyme Park) no. 1 - Funerary stele for Arkesis
Stele: AIUK 5 (Lyme Park) no. 2 - Funerary stele for Melisto and Epigenes
Stele: AIUK 6 (Leeds City Museum) no. 1 - Funerary stele for Demochares and Hegelochos
Stele: AIUK 6 (Leeds City Museum) Appendix 1 - Funerary stele for Agron and Agron
Stele: IG II3 4 367 - Dedication by pre-ephebes (mellepheboi) (?)
Stele: IG II3 4 373 - Dedication by pre-ephebes (mellepheboi), 95/4 BC
Stele: IG II3 4 376 - Dedication of a ritual regulation by ephebes, 61/0 BC
Base: IG II3 4 382 - Dedication by an ephebe, 53/2 BC
Stele: AIUK 11 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) no. 4 - Dedication by ephebes, 36/7 AD
Stele: IG II3 4 406 - Dedication by an ephebic gymnasiarch
Stele: IG II3 4 419 - Dedication by an ephebic team, 145/6 AD
Stele (?): IG II3 4 425 - Dedication by ephebic competition-director
Stele: IG II3 4 592 - Dedication by the victor in a poetry competition
Stele?: AIUK 7 (Chatsworth) no. 3 - Fragment of an Athenian Assembly decree (?)
Stele: AIUK 8 (Broomhall) no. 1 - Painted funerary stele for the son of Hermaios and Kollion
Stele: AIUK 8 (Broomhall) no. 2 - Funerary stele for Aristoklea and another
Stele: AIUK 8 (Broomhall) no. 3 - Funerary stele for Chairippe daughter of Euphranor
Stele: AIUK 8 (Broomhall) no. 4 - Funerary stele for Aphrodisia of Salamis together with a curse (?)
Stele: AIO 1970 - Honours for Euagoras of Salamis, ca. 410 or 407 BC (?)
Stele: AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 3 - Decree about Hestiaia
Stele: AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 6 - Decree about building a temple
Stele: AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 8 - Honours for a man from Argos
Stele (?): AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 9 - Honorific decree for a seer (?)
Stele: Meyer, Metics, nos. 2-9 - List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 30 - List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Stele: AIUK 12 (Great North Museum: Hancock) no. 1 - Funerary stele of Pantakles
Stele: Agora XVI 160 - Decree of deme Piraeus about funding of construction works
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 11 - List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 12 - List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 13 - List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 14 - List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 15 - List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 16 - List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 17 - List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 18 - List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 19 - List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 20 - List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 21 - List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 22 - List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 23 - List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 24 - List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 25 - List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 26 - List of manumissions in court
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 27 - List of manumissions in court
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 28 - List of manumissions in court
Stele: IG II2 1578 - List of manumissions in court
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 31 - List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 32 - List of manumissions in court and dedicatory bowls
Stele: Meyer, Metics, no. 33 - List of manumissions in court (?)
Stele: AIUK 13 (Mount Stewart, County Down) no. 1 - Funerary monument for five individuals
Stele (?): AIUK 4.3B (BM, Ephebic Monuments) no. 1 - Catalogue of names
Stele: AIUK 4.3B (BM, Ephebic Monuments) no. 2 - Ephebic monument
Stele: AIUK 4.3B (BM, Ephebic Monuments) no. 3 - Ephebic monument
Stele: I Rhamnous 59 - Decree of Sarapiastai at Rhamnous
Stele: I Eleusis 68 - Honorific decree of deme Eleusis
Stele: I Eleusis 70 - Decrees of Eleusis honouring two Thebans
Stele: I Eleusis 71 - Decree of Eleusis honouring a Theban
Stele: I Eleusis 72 - Decree of Eleusis honouring the hierophant, Hierokleides
Stele: I Eleusis 74 - Decree of Eleusis
Stele: I Eleusis 80 - Decree of Eleusis honouring the patrol-commander (peripolarch), Smikythion
Stele: I Eleusis 85 - Decrees of Eleusis relating to leasing of quarries
Stele: I Eleusis 96 - Decree of Eleusis honouring a man from Phyle
Stele: I Eleusis 99 - Decree of Eleusis honouring Derkylos of Hagnous
Stele: I Eleusis 100 - Decree of the genos Kerykes honouring Euthydemos, deputy of the basileus
Stele: I Eleusis 101 - Decree of Eleusis honouring the demarch
Stele: IG II3 4 1116 - Dedication to Isis and Dikaiosynē
Stele: IG II3 4 1133 - Dedication to Isis (Rhamnous)
Stele: IG II2 1320 - Decree of artists of Dionysos honouring officials
Stele: I Eleusis 271 - Decree of artists of Dionysos honouring their manager, Philemon
Stele: AIUK 4.3A (BM, Decrees of Other Bodies) no. 4 - Law of a thiasos
Stele: AIUK 4.3A (BM, Decrees of Other Bodies) no. 5 - Decree of Sarapiastai, 214/3 BC
Stele: AIUK 4.3A (BM, Decrees of Other Bodies) no. 7 - Decree of Athenians in Myrina on Lemnos
Stele: AIUK 4.3A (BM, Decrees of Other Bodies) no. 9 - Decree of ecumenical technitai of Dionysos
Stele: AIUK 9 (Brocklesby Park) no. 3 - Fragment of funerary stele of Chairion
Stele: AIUK 11 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) no. 2 - Sacrificial calendar of a private association (?)
Stele: AIUK 11 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) no. 5 - List of ephebic friends
Stele: AIUK 11 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) no. 8 - List of names
Stele: AIUK 11 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) no. 9 - List of ephebic friends
Stele: AIUK 11 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) no. 10 - Catalogue of ephebes
Stele: AIUK 11 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) no. 11 - Monument commemorating war-dead?
Naiskos: AIUK 11 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) no. 12 - Funerary monument of Glauketes
Stele: AIUK 11 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) no. 13 - Funerary stele of Philodemos and Lysimache
Stele: AIUK 11 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) no. 14 - Funerary stele of Diodora daughter of Nikephoros
Stele: AIO 2112 - Catalogue of ephebes, 13/12 BC
Stele: IG II2 1969 - List of ephebic friends, 44/5 AD
Stele: IG II2 1990 - Catalogue of ephebes, 61/2 AD
Stele: IG II2 1998 - List of ephebic friends, ca. 75 AD
Stele: IG II2 1996 - Catalogue of ephebes, 87/8 AD ?
Stele: IG II2 2017 - Catalogue of ephebes, 109/10 AD
Stele: Wilson, Ephebic Inscriptions E.181 - Catalogue of ephebes, 139/40 AD
Stele: IG II2 6397 - Funerary stele for Abaskantos, trainer of the ephebes
Stele: IG II2 2087 - List of two ephebic teams, 163/4 AD
Stele: Wilson, Ephebic Inscriptions E.216 - Catalogue of ephebes, 165/6 AD
Stele: SEG 50.155 - Ephebic decree and transcript of ephebic oration, 184/5 AD
Stele: IG II2 2119 - Catalogue of ephebes, 191/2 AD (?)
Stele: IG II2 2245 - Catalogue of ephebes, 255/6 AD
Stele: I Eleusis 221 - Decree of Kerykes and Eumolpidai honouring Philonides of Laodikea
Stele: I Eleusis 233 - Decree of [Eumolpidai] honouring Aristokles of Perithoidai, the hierophant
Stele: I Eleusis 234 - Decree of [Eumolpidai] honouring Aristokles of Perithoidai, the hierophant
Stele: I Eleusis 189 - Decree of deme Eleusis
Stele: I Eleusis 191 - Decree of deme Eleusis and Athenians residing there honouring [a general?]
Stele: SEG 66.125 - Decree about weights and measures
Stele: I Eleusis 176 - Lease of tenement-houses by the deme Eleusis
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 1 - Grave stele of the family of Aristophosa
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 2 - Grave stele of Eupolemos and family
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 3 - Grave stele of Hippokrates and Baukis
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 4 - Grave stele of Chabrias from Selymbria
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 5 - Grave stele of Chairippe
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 6 - Grave stele of Eumachos
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 8 - Grave stele of Smikylion
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 9 - Grave stele of Euetes
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 10 - Grave stele of Theophilos
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 11 - Bilingual grave stele of Artemidoros of Sidon
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 13 - Grave stele of a daughter of Euphrosynos
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 14 - Grave marker of Mousonia(s?)
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 15 - Grave stele of Kointos of Tyrmeidai
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 16 - Grave stele of Xanthippos
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 17 - Grave stele of Timarete
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 18 - Grave stele of a woman
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 19 - Grave stele of Erasippos
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 20 - Grave stele of Aristokles
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 21 - Grave stele of Archiades and Polemonikos
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 22 - Grave stele of Klearete
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 23 - Grave stele of Choirine
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 24 - Grave stele of Hierokleia
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 25 - Grave stele of Stratios
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 26 - Grave stele of Kleo (?)
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 27 - Grave stele of Demetria
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 28 - Grave stele of a family from Sestos
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 29 - Grave stele of Eukleia
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 30 - Funerary naiskos of Archagora
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 31 - Grave stele of Melantes and Menalkes
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 32 - Grave stele of a family from Xypete
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 33 - Funerary naiskos of Aristeis
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 34 - Funerary naiskos of Metagenes
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 35 - Grave stele of Menekrates
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 36 - Grave stele of [De?]mo
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 37 - Grave stele of the nurse Melitta
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 38 - Grave stele of Soteris
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 39 - Grave stele of Mousis
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 40 - Funerary naiskos of Tryphon
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 41 - Grave stele of Synphoron
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 42 - Grave stele of Epigona
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 43 - Grave stele of Agathemeris and Sempronius Niketes
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 80 - Casualty list for Athenians who fell in 424/3 BC
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 81 - Grave stele of Glykylla
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 82 - Grave stele of Laodike
Stele: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 83 - Grave stele of Hermias
Stele: AIUK 4.5 (BM, Dedications) no. 8 - Dedication of a shrine to Aphrodite/Isis
Stele: IG II2 400 - Honours for Eucharistos son of Chei-
Stele: Osborne, Naturalization, D43 - Decree honouring Timosthenes of Karystos
Stele: AIUK 10 (National Galleries of Scotland) no. 1 - Grave stele of Aristomache
Stele: AIUK 10 (National Galleries of Scotland) no. 2 - Grave stele of Claudia Aphphein
Stele: I Eleusis 63 - Honorific decree of Hippothontis
Stele: I Eleusis 67 - Decree of tribe Hippothontis honouring Metagenes of Eroiadai
Stele: I Eleusis 69 - Honorific decree of Hippothontis (?)
Stele: I Eleusis 122 - Decree of tribe Hippothontis
Stele: IG II2 2492 - Lease of public land by the deme Aixone, 345/4 BC
Stele: IG II2 1046 - Council decree on repairs to the Asklepieion, 51/0 BC
Stele: SEG 47.143a - Assembly decree regarding a dispute on Lemnos
Stele: SEG 47.143b - Assembly decree regarding a dispute on Lemnos
Stele: I Eleusis 104 - Decree fragment from Eleusis
Stele: I Eleusis 135 - Decree from Eleusis on religious matters
Stele: AIUK 14 (National Museums Scotland) no. 1 - List of ephebic friends
Stele: I Eleusis 203 - Honorific decree [of Athenian soldiers and/or residents at Eleusis?]
Stele: Agora XVI 336 - Council decree on divine honours for Augustus
Stele: AIO 2439 - Assembly decrees restoring various sanctuaries and other public properties
Stele: I Eleusis 220 - Decree fragment from Eleusis
Stele (?): I Eleusis 230 - Decree fragment from Eleusis honouring -medes of Hamaxanteia
Stele (?): I Eleusis 249 - Decree (?) from Eleusis
Stele: I Eleusis 187 - Decree [of soldiers at Eleusis] honouring a general
Stele: I Eleusis 205 - Decree of Athenian soldiers stationed at Eleusis, Panakton, and Phyle
Stele: IG II2 1197 + Add. p. 672 - Decree of Aixone honouring officials (syndikoi?)
Stele: IG II2 1200 - Decree of Aixone honouring the choregoi, Leontios and Glaukon, 317/6 BC
Stele: SEG 36.186 - Decree of Aixone honouring the choregoi, Auteas and Philoxenides, 340/339 BC (?)
Stele: IG II2 1202 - Decree of Aixone honouring Kallikrates and Aristokrates, 340/339 BC (?)
Stele: IG II2 1201 - Decree of Aixone honouring Demetrios of Phaleron
Stele: Csapo and Wilson II, 54-9 - Two honorific decrees of the deme Acharnai, 315/4 BC
Stele (?): IG II2 1207 - Decree of Acharnai honouring priestess of Athena Hippia
Stele: SEG 21.519 - Decree of Acharnai on constructing altars for Ares and Athena Areia
Stele: IG II2 1173 - Honorific decree (of a deme? Acharnai? Kydantidai?)
Stele (?): IG II2 1210 - Honorific decree of deme Anagyrous?
Stele: Csapo and Wilson II, 266-9 - Decree of Thorikos about choregoi
Stele: Csapo and Wilson II, 272-4 - List of office-holders (choregoi?) of deme Thorikos
Stele: IG II2 1203 - Decree of Athmonon honouring the merarchai of 325/4 BC
Stele: SEG 24.197 - List of contributors in Athmonon
Stele (?): Csapo and Wilson II, 145-48 - Dedication of a statue to Dionysos (and Apollo?) at Ikarion
Stele: Csapo and Wilson II, 148-52 - Financial accounts of the deme Ikarion
Stele: Csapo and Wilson II, 153-62 - Decree of Ikarion regulating Rural Dionysia
Stele: AIO 2551 - Decree of Euonymon honouring an official
Stele: IG II2 1178 - Decree of Ikarion honouring demarch and choregoi
Stele: IG II2 1179 - Decree of Ikarion honouring demarch
Stele: AIUK 15 (Miscellaneous) no. 3.1 - Funerary stele for Agatheia and Brithon
Stele: AIUK 15 (Miscellaneous) no. 3.2 - Funerary stele for Glaukon
Stele: IG II3 4 560 - Choregic dedication for the City Dionysia
Stele: IG II3 4 565 - Choregic dedication of four tribes for the City Dionysia
Stele: SEG 46.153 - Decree of Halai Araphenides honouring choregoi, 341/0 BC
Stele: SEG 34.103 - Decree of Halai Araphenides honouring a deme liturgist
Stele: AIO 2588 - Decree of Halai Araphenides honouring two non-members of the deme
Stele: SEG 2.7 - Decree of Halimous honouring Charisandros
Stele: Matthaiou, Nέο θραῦσμα, 91-93 - Decrees of Athenian Assembly and Kollytos, 327/6 BC
Stele: I Rhamnous 179 - Council decree on the cult of Agdistis at Rhamnous
Stele: IG II2 1182 - Decree of Myrrhinous honouring Pheidippos
Stele: AIO 2599 - Decree of deme Myrrhinous relating to euthynai and other matters
Stele: IG II2 1047 - Assembly Decrees, 49/8 BC
Stele: IG XII 6, 1 264 - Dedication to Apollo at Delphi by Athenian cleruchs on Samos
Stele: IG XII 6, 1 263 - Dedication to Apollo at Delphi by Athenian cleruchs on Samos
Stele: IG XII 6, 1 265 - Dedication to Apollo at Delphi by Athenian cleruchs on Samos
Stele: IG II2 1204 - Decree of Lamptrai honouring Philokedes of Acharnai
Stele: IG I3 256 - Inscription regulating use of water from the Halykos spring (Lamptrai)
Stele (?): Csapo and Wilson II, 247-52 - Decree of Sphettos honouring a benefactor
Stele: IG II2 11659 - Grave stele of Theophile
Stele: AIO 2637 - Honours for Philoxenos
Stele: Puech, Orateurs 1 - Endowment of Akousilaos
Stele: AIO 2660 - List of a board of archons
Stele: IG II2 1069 - Honours for Julius Nikanor the New Homer and New Themistokles
Stele: AIO 2662 - Agreement regarding Salamis
Stele: Agora XV 324 - Honours for Ti. Claudius Attikos of Marathon
Stele: Agora XV 322 - Honours for Tiberius Claudius Attikos of Marathon and Vibullia Alkia
Stele: Agora XVI 338 - Decree of Council (and People?), 115/6 or 116/7 AD
Stele: SEG 28.102 - Decree of Eitea honouring Hippokles son of Demokles, 332/1 BC?
Stele (?): IG II2 1205 - Decree of Epikephisia honouring those chosen to prosecute Neokles
Stele (?): IG I3 247 - Decree of an association of uncertain type (deme? komē?)
Stele: IG II2 1215 - Decree of a deme
Stele (?): Agora XV 33 - Dedication (?) commemorating awards of honours
Stele: SEG 46.155 - Decree of Gargettos honouring Epikydes
Stele: AIO 2696 - Honorific decree of Kephisia
Stele: Agora XVI 342 - Honours for an uncertain individual
Stele: Follet, Décrets attiques 2 - Divine honours for Julia Domna
Stele: AIO 2734 - Divine honours for the Severans
Stele: Agora XV 460 - Divine honours for Geta, 209/10 AD
Stele: SEG 33.166 - Beginning of a decree or letter, 209/10 AD
Stele: SEG 30.82 - Honours for Marcus Ulpius Eubiotos and sons
Stele: IG II2 2773 - Endowment of Flavius Asklepiades
Stele: Agora XV 43 - List of names, Council, 335/4 BC
Stele: Agora XV 54 - List of names, Oineis
Stele: Agora XV 55 - List of names, Antiochis
Stele: Agora XV 492 - List of names, Council or Samian cleruchy (?)
Stele (?): AIO 2776 - List of names, Council
Stele: Agora XV 268 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Oineis, 57/6 or 53/2 BC
Stele: Agora XV 270 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Akamantis, 53/2 BC
Stele: Agora XV 267 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Aiantis
Stele?: Agora XV 275 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Ptolemais
Stele: SEG 28.92 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Hippothontis
Stele: Agora XV 277 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Pandionis
Stele: SEG 32.182 - List of names
Stele: SEG 28.158 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Aiantis
Stele: Agora XV 265 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Pandionis
Stele: Agora XV 266 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Aigeis
Stele: Agora XV 280 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Hippothontis
Stele: Agora XV 283 - Honours for a prytany treasurer
Stele: Agora XV 278 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Hippothontis, 47/6 or 45/4 BC
Stele: SEG 28.160 - Honours for a prytany treasurer
Stele: Agora XV 287 - Honours for a prytany treasurer
Stele: SEG 28.95 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Ptolemais
Stele: AIO 2797 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Kekropis, 30/29 BC or 17/6 BC
Stele: Agora XV 264 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Pandionis
Stele: SEG 28.94 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Oineis
Stele: Agora XV 291 - Honours for the prytany of Hippothontis, 24/3 or 21/0 BC
Stele: AIO 2801 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Kekropis, 24/3 or 21/0 BC
Stele: Agora XV 281 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Erechtheis, 24/3 or 21/0 BC
Stele: Agora XV 293 - Honours for the prytany and prytany treasurer of Pandionis
Stele: Agora XV 307 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Leontis
Stele: Agora XV 289 - Honours for the prytany of Aiantis
Stele: Agora XV 295 - Honours for a prytany treasurer
Stele: Agora XV 296 - Honours for a prytany treasurer
Stele: Agora XV 297 - Honours for a prytany treasurer
Stele: Agora XV 298 - Honours for a prytany treasurer
Stele: Agora XV 301 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Antiochis
Stele: Agora XV 303 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Ptolemais
Stele: Agora XV 300 - Honours for a prytany treasurer
Stele: Agora XV 305 - Honours for a herald of the Council and People
Stele: Agora XV 304 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Oineis
Stele: Agora XV 271 - Honours for a prytany treasurer
Stele: Agora XV 273 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Aiantis
Stele: Agora XV 274 - Honours for a prytany treasurer
Stele: Agora XV 306 - Honours for a prytany treasurer
Stele: Agora XV 289a - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Aiantis
Stele: SEG 28.163 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Ptolemais
Stele: SEG 32.181 - Honours for a prytany
Stele: Agora XV 294 - Honours for a prytany treasurer
Stele: Agora XV 315 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Kekropis
Stele: Agora XV 316 - Honours for a prytany treasurer
Stele: Agora XV 317 - List of names
Stele: Agora XV 318 - Honours for a prytany treasurer of Pandionis
Stele: AIO 2832 - Honours for the prytany treasurer of Erechtheis
Stele: Agora XV 263 - Honours for a prytany treasurer?
Stele: SEG 39.148 - Decree of Kydantidai and Ionidai
Stele: IG II2 2496 - Lease of buildings in Piraeus by [the deme] Kytherros
Stele: AIO 2841 - Decree of [Melite?] honouring Satyra, priestess of the Thesmophoroi
Stele: AIO 2842 - Fragment of a decree of uncertain group
Stele: Follet and Peppas Delmousou, Sardes et Synnada 1 - Sardis honours Hadrian
Stele: Follet and Peppas Delmousou, Sardes et Synnada 2 - Synnada honours Hadrian
Stele: AIO 2847 - Thyateira honours Hadrian
Stele: I Eleusis 489 - The Eleusinian Endowment
Stele: AIO 2880 - Lease of an estate by the deme Prasiai
Stele: SEG 55.250 - Letters from Plotina and Hadrian on the Epicurean Succession (121 AD)
Stele: AIO 2882 - Letters from Hadrian (and Plotina?) on the Epicurean Succession (125 AD)
Stele: IG II2 1103 - Letter from Hadrian banning on-selling
Stele: Oliver, Constitutions 85 - Letter from Hadrian on gifts for the boys (132 AD)
Stele: SEG 33.139 - Letter from Hadrian to the artists of Dionysos
Stele: IG II2 1101 - Letter from Hadrian to the Athenians
Stele: IG II2 11551 - Funerary Monument of Aurelius Zosimianos
Stele: SEG 21.500 - Rules of the Library of Pantainos
Stele: SEG 21.644 - Lease of an estate by the deme Prasiai
Stele: SEG 51.153 - Lease of an estate by the deme Prasiai
Stele: Oliver, Constitutions 78 - Letter from Hadrian to the Achaian League
Stele: SEG 32.144 - Citations commemorating honours awarded by a deme and by the Epakreis
Stele: SEG 57.159 - Inscription concerning leasing of land by the trittys Epakreis
Stele (Choregic monument)Stele: IG II3 4 496 - Choregic dedication of a sponsor for the Thargelia
Stele: IG II3 4 445 - Choregic dedication of Apollodoros for the City Dionysia, 332/1 BC
Stele (Column)Column: Agora XV 22 - List of names, prytany Antiochis (?)
Stele (Inscribed on both sides)Stele (Inscribed on both sides): IG II3 1 431 - Penalty clauses from a law
Stele (Inscribed on both sides): AIO 505 - Sacrifices and perquisites
Stele (Inscribed on both sides): IG I3 375 - Payments from the treasury of Athena, 410/9 BC
Stele (Inscribed on both sides): IG II3 1 1057
Stele (Inscribed on both sides): IG II3 1 898 - Concerning dedications in the sanctuary of Asklepios
Stele (Inscribed on both sides): RO 5 - Phratry decrees of the Dekeleans
Stele (Inscribed on both sides): AIO 954 - Cypress from Karpathos
Stele: AIUK 4.4 (BM, Accounts) no. 3 - Inventory of the Pronaos, 426/5-423/2 BC and 414/3-411/0 BC
Stele (inscribed on both sides): Sardis VII 2 319-320 - Letter and honours for Polybios of Sardis
Stele (inscribed on both sides): Agora XVI 68 - Two decrees of Kyd[athenaion]